Ben Wilson, Author

5 December 2022

Stranded Shaping Up

Howdy. Now that we are well into the Christmas holiday season, I hope that you and yours are doing well. My family is doing as well as can be expected. My oldest is within a year of earning his Aircraft and Propulsion certificate, and my second oldest wrapped up his first year of college (we started him a bit early). I think my wife finally understands and accepts my desire to write novels. That only took a couple decades.
Stranded Shaping Up
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5 December 2022

Thoughts on Space Opera

I’m a member of the IASFA (International Association of Science Fiction Authors). We’re focused on helping readers find other great Science Fiction and Fantasy writers. In the spirit of 20 Books, we recognize our only competition is our last book. Anyway, they asked me to write about Space Opera for the December newsletter.
Thoughts on Space Opera
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3 December 2022

Review Salvage Title

Over the next year, I would like to not only read more fiction, but offer reviews of books or series I’m reading about once per month. I thought I would kick this off with the book Salvage Title by Kevin Steverson. I had the good pleasure to meet Kevin at the 20 Books Vegas conference. He’s a super decent fellow.
Review Salvage Title
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30 November 2022

Gaslamp Fantasy

Since I am writing a Gaslamp Fantasy, I thought it was worth a short description of what the genre is, and why the Stranded Series fits the description. My basis for the description comes from the TV Trope website.
Gaslamp Fantasy
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19 November 2022

20 Books Vegas, 2022 Edition

Another 20 Books conference is in the can. The 20 Books concept is simple: a rising tide lifts all boats. Authors help authors improve as writers and in building their business. Only about twenty percent of what authors do focuses on content creation. The balance is running the business, including fan service, marketing, bookkeeping, etc.
20 Books Vegas, 2022 Edition
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12 November 2022

Scrivnomatic, for the Win

Some people have asked how I create point-perfect PDF compiles in Scrivener. Simply put, I use Scrivomatic. This capability allows me to use LaTeX to format my books. I started using LaTeX in law school back in 2006. At some point, I will make the underlying LaTeX file available to a wider audience. In the meantime, look at Scrivomatic and see if it might be right for you.
Scrivnomatic, for the Win
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30 October 2022

Hyperlegible, a Font for the Ages?

I’m taking a break from my planned six-week updates, and my regular writing, to mention an awesome new font. Years ago, I started a program in my organization to improve the Accessibility of our internally developed software. It warms my heart when something comes out that promotes Accessibility.
Hyperlegible, a Font for the Ages?
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24 October 2022

Roadmap for 2023

Welcome to the seventh heartbeat of 2022. In the next couple of weeks, Scintilla, the fourth book of the Postal Marines, will be re-released. This caps my prior year’s writing effort. I don’t know about you, but I am super excited about getting these books out of my mind and into print. I know y’all don’t have a lot of time to read, so I will be brief.
Roadmap for 2023
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23 September 2022

Join Postal Marines

Eighteen years in the making, the first four novels of the Postal Marines are coming soon to an Amazon near you. The idea for the Postal Marines started in 2004, and I started plotting and writing in 2006. That includes rough plots for sixteen novels, grouped into four quartets.
Join Postal Marines
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3 August 2022

Heartbeat: July 2022

Welcome to the fifth heartbeat of 2022. As promised, every six weeks I update you on my progress. This one is a few days later as I lost track of my schedule.
Heartbeat: July 2022
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21 June 2022

Heartbeat: June 2022

Later than promised, this is the fourth heartbeat. Every six weeks, I’ll send another update as I finish and release the first Postal Marines quartet by 3 November 2022. Why later? I skipped the May heartbeat. This should be the fifth heartbeat.
Heartbeat: June 2022
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19 June 2022

Recovering the Postal Marines

There are five pillars to being a successful writer: cover, description, storytelling, promotion, productivity. Of these pillars, a lot of authors focus on storytelling…at least in the beginning. Eventually, the good ones learn to focus on all five. The good thing is authors do not need to master all of them.
Recovering the Postal Marines
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