Ben Wilson, Author

11 November 2023

20Books Vegas 2023: the Day After

was in Las Vegas this past week attending the last-ever 20 Books Vegas. Started in 2017, this conference inspired thousands of writers around the world. This was my third such conference, and the last. The primary show runner, Craig Martelle, went out on a high note and passed the mantel. To be honest, this year lacked the energy of the prior two years.
20Books Vegas 2023: the Day After
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8 October 2023

Why I use Basecamp as an Author

As a writer, juggling multiple tasks is part of the game. From brainstorming ideas to engaging with my community, there’s a lot on my plate. That’s where Basecamp comes in. This all-in-one tool has become my go-to for managing my writer’s business. Here’s why.
Why I use Basecamp as an Author
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2 October 2023

Back in the Saddle: My Return to Writing

Hello, everyone! If you’ve been following my journey, you know that I hit the pause button on my writing for about six months. It wasn’t an easy decision, but sometimes life throws curveballs that you just can’t ignore. Between work, family, and programming Verkilo, my plate was full. But guess what? I’m back, and I couldn’t be more excited to pick up where I left off.
Back in the Saddle: My Return to Writing
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30 September 2023

Back in the Saddle: My Return to Writing

Hello, everyone! If you’ve been following my journey, you know that I hit the pause button on my writing for about six months. It wasn’t an easy decision, but sometimes life throws curveballs that you just can’t ignore. Between work, family, and programming Verkilo, my plate was full. But guess what? I’m back, and I couldn’t be more excited to pick up where I left off.
Back in the Saddle: My Return to Writing
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28 September 2023

Returning to Writing Ameliorate

Last month, I mentioned a pivot toward writing software. The problem with someone like me is that I have many interests and want to pursue them all at once. I managed to timebox my software venture to six months, April to October. I hit a good stopping point a couple weeks ago on the software project. This week, I returned to my current work-in-progress Ameliorate. This is the first of the Naval Quartet, following the adventures of Ambrose Litovio after...
Returning to Writing Ameliorate
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21 August 2023

A Classic Western Heartbeat for August

I’m back with another update, released about every six weeks.  I read something this Summer that coaxed me to start watching classic westerns. Stepping back into the 1930s with classic westerns, I’ve discovered a treasure trove of inspiration. These films, raw and unrefined like home movies, carry a charm that echoes the spirit of self-publishing. In an era shaped by the Hay’s Code, storytellers had to craft wholesome entertainment. This challenge resonates with me as I write my science fiction...
A Classic Western Heartbeat for August
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29 July 2023

Using ChatGPT to Enrich the Novel Treatment

Originally Written 22 March 2023. With the explosion of AI, I wanted to offer a use case I’ve found helpful for me that might interest you.
Using ChatGPT to Enrich the Novel Treatment
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29 July 2023

The Great Code Pause of 2024

This article summarizes what I’ve been working on for the past six months. In a later post, I will summarize what I’ve been doing to prepare for future novel writing series, and how I’ve used AI to help. My writing year runs from October to September because of my birth month. This year’s plan was to draft four novels, but I added a fifth because I was plugging away so well with a new series. I had two books in...
The Great Code Pause of 2024
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27 July 2023

New Chapter, New World - Let's Connect!

Hey there!
New Chapter, New World - Let's Connect!
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9 July 2023

Pause, Pivot and Problem-Solve

Welcome back, everyone. You may know me as an author. However, of late, I’ve taken a deliberate pause from my usual writing pursuits. This hasn’t been because of a loss of passion, but more about balancing life’s many responsibilities. Work, family, and other commitments have taken center stage, leaving little time for my writing. However, I’m still an author at heart, and I’m excited to share my latest update with you.
Pause, Pivot and Problem-Solve
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15 April 2023

A Stellar Update from Your Favorite Sci-Fi Author

It’s me, your favorite science-fiction author, reaching out with an update on my writing adventures over the past three months. I apologize for the delay in bringing you this blog post, but rest assured, it’s because I’ve been hard at work creating more out-of-this-world stories for you. So, let’s jump right into what I’ve been up to recently.
A Stellar Update from Your Favorite Sci-Fi Author
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16 December 2022

Free Books From Science-Fiction/Fantasy Authors in 2023

I’m a member of the International Association of Science Fiction Authors (IASFA). This organization has dozens of authors from around the globe who write the gambit of Science Fiction and Fantasy.
Free Books From Science-Fiction/Fantasy Authors in 2023
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