Ben Wilson, Author

21 June 2022

Heartbeat: June 2022

Later than promised, this is the fourth heartbeat. Every six weeks, I’ll send another update as I finish and release the first Postal Marines quartet by 3 November 2022. Why later? I skipped the May heartbeat. This should be the fifth heartbeat.

A change in the website. Before we go much further, I should announce a major change to my website. I used to host a static site on Amazon. Instead, I custom coded my site. This is a major piece of Yak Shaving. There’s no other way to state it. But, it lets me move away from using MailerLite or other service provider. This has been on my list of things to do this year, and it is done.

An invitation to continue. Rather than migrate my readers to the new site, I am going to invite you to go over to my website, and re-register. If you run into problems, email me at

Progres Made. What happened over the past twelve weeks? The chart below shows I had a fair amount of progress through March and April. I tapered off in May and June, with only two chapters remaining. I’m seventeen thousand words from my 2022 goal.

Progress as of 19 June 2022

A few things distracted me. Some of it was life. I started with an awesome cover artist, as you can see from my post showing how the first cover evolved. We are now two covers down. We will do the remaining two in July. I’m excited. Are you excited?

Plans to next Heartbeat? Should we meet again, I will have finished Imbroglio, the novel that started this entire series 16 years ago. I will have two more covers complete. I should progress through the final integration review. If all goes well, then I should be ready to release in August instead of September. That’s my goal.

Anyway, thank you for accompanying me this far through the process. I hope you find your way over to my new site and sign up. If not, I wish you all the best.