Ben Wilson, Author

31 March 2022

Heartbeat: March 2022

As promised, this is the third heartbeat. Every six weeks, I’ll send another update as I finish and release the first Postal Marines quartet by 3 November 2022.
Heartbeat: March 2022
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13 February 2022

Heartbeat: February 2022

Postal Marines Needs You. Just picture an old guy in a top had pointing a finger at you. Would you help make this a success? I am looking for a few of my US-based insiders who will read the early draft and provide feedback. Not only will you get a free sneak peek, but I will mention your contribution in the book. All I ask is that you read the draft and give helpful, honest and kind feedback. Email me...
Heartbeat: February 2022
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12 February 2022

Heartbeat: September 2022

Welcome to the Sixth heartbeat of 2022. As promised, about every six weeks I update you on my progress. My goal is to finish the first four books of the Postal Marine Series by November 2022. This honors a commitment to myself I made after the 20 Books to 50K Vegas conference last year.
Heartbeat: September 2022
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3 January 2022

Heartbeat: January 2022

This article is my first attempt to provide structured periodic updates. Basecamp’s Heartbeat method provides updates across the company and inspires me to do the same. I scheduled updates on my calendar set for every sixth Thursday. As I write this, the first snow of the season falls outside my window.
Heartbeat: January 2022
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5 December 2021


There is a two-year gap between the prior post and this one. Not that I have written nothing, but that none of it was useful. I took a break from the Postal Marine series, and tinkered with an Alternate History series. After putting myself into an editorial death spiral with Postal Marines, I thought shifting to a new series was the only way out.
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