By day, I navigate the complexities of information technology. By night, I craft enthralling worlds of Science Fiction that inspire...

Three Words for 2024: Focus. Faith. Fitness...and Hey!

I do most of my goal-setting in October. What follows is my reflection on those goals and a revision to my plan to complete said goals. In 2013 and 2016, I used the "three word" concept to define what I hoped to accomplish over that year. In 2013, it was "write. right. lead." The three were intwined and focused on being a better father and writer. In 2016, it was "write. restore. realign." This spoke to my need to stop floundering as a writer and leader. The "restore" was about a 1972 Super Beetle that I helped find its final resting place. Before going further, I would be remiss if I did not confess that I failed on those goals. What could go wrong? It's 2024. My words are "focus. faith. fitness." I'm seeing a trend. I started 2023 strong. By April, however, things took a turn as I shifted to working on a writing application that rivals MS Word and Scrivener. I've explained this before, so I won't waste more words on that. • Focus. I want to focus on finishing the novels I planned to in 2023. That is four novels and a lot of writing. • Faith. My beliefs about reality are my foundation. A lot has been going on these past few years well beyond my control. I've been geo-politically aware or informed since 1979, but the last few years have gotten a bit too much. Fear is the word, and my counter to that is to focus on my faith. It all works out right in the end, even if it's not the outcome I would prefer. • Fitness. I've been up and down on...
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Why I use Basecamp as an Author

As a writer, juggling multiple tasks is part of the game. From brainstorming ideas to engaging with my community, there's a lot on my plate. That's where Basecamp comes in. This all-in-one tool has become my go-to for managing my writer's business. Here's why. All-in-One Platform Basecamp is like a Swiss Army knife for project management. It has chat, to-do lists, message boards, and document storage, all in one place. No switching between apps. Everything I need is just a click away. This saves me time and keeps me organized. I'm a part of IASFA, and right now we use Discord to collaborate on newsletters. But I don't use Discord for much else, so I have to remember to open it to see what is going on. Basecamp emails interactions by default (you can turn that off), so you don't have to go to the application to know what is going on. You can respond via email and the app updates your response on platform, meaning you can work almost completely by email. I have a landing zone for my business, so that the major website I use (e.g., KDP) are a mouse click away. I don't have to worry about losing bookmarks. Community Engagement One standout feature is the ability to create a space where I can bring in my insider fans for a more intimate conversation. This is a game-changer. Unlike social media or newsletters, where interactions can be shallow and noisy, Basecamp allows for deeper engagement. I can share updates, get feedback, and even co-create content with my community. I use Basecamp for my hobbies, and with my family. Yep, we have projects, chats and other things...
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