The Tech Behind My Novels: Choosing Between Typora, Obsidian, and Scrivener

This morning, Microsoft asked me if I would recommend Windows. This may sound like heresy, but I said I was a promoter, and explained why. I've only willingly had three Windows computers. I built my first computer in 1998, and not knowing any better I installed Windows. Then I built my next Windows computer in 2018. Then in March 2024, I bought my current daily driver, a Dell XPS 13-inch. From 1998 to 2009, I preferred to run Linux in various flavors. Because of Scrivener, I turned to Apple from 2009 to 2024. But I think I've said that before. But as I said last week, I'm switching back to Windows from Apple. My computer naming convention includes the year I built or bought the device. I bought my last Apple laptop (an M1 MBP) in 2020. Heck, I built my previous Windows computer in 2019 as a rebuild of the 2018 computer but for Flight Simulator 2020. I'm gobsmacked about how fast the 20s have gone. I put a lot of money into technology in the 20s. This past week, I've been experimenting with Typora for writing, taking a break from Scrivener. I even added to a fantasy RPG draft I've been noodling on. It's got bits of FATE, FUDGE, Savage Worlds and Traveller—all the games I adore. Typora's cool, but a bit too simple for my taste. Next week, I'm giving Obsidian a whirl. I've dabbled with it before, but I'm diving in deeper this time. And guess what? I'm bringing back aText into my writing tool kit, so I'm not missing out on much from Scrivener. ProWritingAid works both with Typora and Obsidian. Oh, and I tried...
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Setting the Clock Back, and TravellerCon

It was just a week ago I said I was going to use Ubuntu on Dell XPS as a daily driver for 30 days. Seven days in, I'm already pivoting. There were petty annoyances, such as the scroll direction never complying with my wishes or being inconsistently applied. What's the pivot? I'm going to use Windows 11 with WSL Linux. This will have me using the Windows UI, but dipping into Linux for the parts that matter. I can also use the hard drive to its fullest. This gives me access to Scrivener for Windows. I've used WSL to tinker with CSS for my website. Now I have 23 days to drive Windows only. My only regret is I opted for a slightly older XPS. In other news, TravellerCon USA will be held 11-13 October. Traveller has intrigued me for decades. Some of its mechanics inspires the Postal Marines series. I have yet to play a game. The best way to learn is to join enthusiasts. And Lancaster is only a couple hours from home.
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